Friday, January 7, 2011

ADAGE Withdraws Plans to Buy Mill in Oregon

Submitted to Shelton Blog by Pat Rasmussen

Excerpt from:
Paper mill deal falls through
By Alex Paul

MILLERSBURG — Adage, a Maryland-based biopower company, has withdrawn plans to buy the International Paper mill.

John Pascone, president of the Albany-Millersburg Economic Development Corp., heard the project had been tied up by government regulations, but he could not be more specific.

“If you have a project and you can’t get it permitted in a reasonable amount of time, the project will die,” Pascone said. “This has been in the works for about six months.”

Link to complete article:


  1. Sometimes the Citizens WIN!

    Of interest in this article is the amount of news coverage given to us in Mason County, WA! Even our own Journal was more objective in this article.

  2. Supporters of biomass try to gain traction by perpetuating a perception that proponents of Adage are somehow equal in number to opponents, when nothing could be furthur from the truth. Door-belling and emails confirm opponents outnumber supporters by as much as 70 to 1. Adage tries to offset legitimate concerns by stepping up their public relations campaign.
    But what they will never, ever do is address these issues head-on because they have not a facutal leg to stand on. The biomass industry is as predatory and unscrupulous an enterprise as we are likely ever to see in this country.

  3. Take heart, as I did, from this particular sentence:

    “If you have a project and you can’t get it permitted in a reasonable amount of time, the project will die.”

    Every day we delay puts us closer to the reality this project may die.
