Saturday, May 7, 2011



Submitted to Shelton Blog by Katherine Price
Mason County Progressive

Once upon a time some very bad men banded together and created the Project for a New American Century. These very bad men believed in nurturing the military industrial complex that General Dwight D. Eisenhower warned Americans against. These very bad men ARE the military industrial complex we were warned against. One of their principles, or proposed objectives, is to engage in "multiple small wars fought simultaneously".

Look around and tell me what you see.

I do not consider them "small wars", when we have hundreds of thousands of soldiers engaged in Afghanistan and Iraq, but maybe to the military industrial complex they do qualify as small. Certainly the latest "not" war on the list, Libya, could be, at this moment, described as small.

I can only imagine how happy Dick Cheney and his friends from the Project for a New American Century are at this time. Right now, the United States of America is being operated by this military industrial complex, and we are engaged in "multiple small wars fought simultaneously"

Right now, from his watery grave, Osama bin Laden is smiling at the success of his mission. Which was not to kill 3,000 people on 9/11, that really was collateral damage. His mission was to financially bankrupt the United States of America and, with the help of the military industrial complex, he is doing just that.

Up is down, and war is peace.


  1. A state of permanent war has been US economic policy since WW I.

  2. Conventional wisdom surrounding Osama bin Laden seems often to miss the point. If you can get past the moral judgments of we’re right and they’re wrong, he is sure to go down in history as one of the most strategic and effective war lords to ever have lived. If viewed in the light of Judo (a martial art that uses an opponent’s force and weight to your advantage), one would have to place Mr. Laden right up there with Mr. Rove.

  3. Several thousand years ago Sun Tsu wrote his great strategic masterpiece, "The Art of War". Nearly everyone on Wall Street reads it and it is to their credit. They know when the US enters a war, to stock up on commodities, gold and silver, because borrowing, money printing and (further) currency devaluation is directly at hand. Sun Tsu, the great Chinese General wrote of it long ago and some things NEVER change. Back then victorious generals took the spoils of war, the resources of the conquered, and turned the conquered military to their own purposes. Some things never change. We say we aren't an Empire, but we conquer and turn the spoils of war, other country's resources, to our own uses. The military industrial complex is simply a way to play both sides, the losers and the losers. The American people lose as they pay the bill to the MIC. The conquered pay with their resources and futures.
    Osama Bin Laden is a great student of Sun Tsu. So are the Chinese who are gladly giving us all the rope to hang ourselves by enslaving us in debt to fight these endless wars. It is ironic that our taking of the North American continent from it's native inhabitants was through the exact same process. Thomas Jefferson fostered the fur trade and "loaned" the Native Americans the traps, tools and supplies to increase the fur trade. As Europeans moved westward and the trapping was more and more limited, the Natives couldn't produce enough furs to pay their debt. They only had one thing Jefferson wanted. Their land and it's resources.
    So it will be with the Chinese, as it was with the Japanese in the late 20th century, as it is with Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Panama, Ecuador, etc, etc.
    The controllers and central banks of the world know no limit except one.
    Their only real limit is that their hubris makes Bin Ladens and people like him a necessity. In this sense, Bin Laden has no equal in modern history. Not even Hitler could come close.
    Bin Laden bankrupted and ended the Soviet Union and he brought this once great country to it's knees. The two great superpowers were nothing to him.
    Bin Laden played Karl Rove and George W. Bush like a cheap violin as he did the Soviets. Yes, he's now dead. But we are bankrupt and Rove and Bush are still stupid. I hope the American people figure this game out soon. There IS a starting point.
    Corrupt currency breeds corrupt government. Endless war is only possible with a floating currency that allows devaluation and endless debt. End the Federal Reserve and take your currency and your country back. It's really that simple. Hopefully before we all are speaking Mandarin and producing cheap chatskis for Chinese Walmart.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It doesn’t get more concise than Clear Cut’s comments; the lesson we need to learn is philosophical but the results are so very real. In this case, acknowledgment of our current situation is to begin to understand how we got here. Arguably, the “dumbing down” of America was incidental to the objectives of special interest opportunists, but one cannot deny the concentration of benefits to so few as being anything but planned. While the average “Joe” or “Jane” is busy raising his or her family under the touted illusion that rewards will follow those who follow the rules, they often learn too late that the rules themselves are little more than legislative sedatives designed to corral the serfs while being robbed by the barons. Why this is can be traced to the very origins of our species, but how it will all play out in the future is less certain.
