Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Is New Air Monitor in Need of Recalibration?


Submitted to Shelton Blog by Katherine Price
Mason County Progressive

It seems like it was only yesterday that the air-breathers were celebrating ORCAA moving the air monitor from the old site at the hospital to the new site on top of the public safety building.

Since the move. we have watched the monitor results on this blog with great interest as day after day the air in downtown Shelton, with or without Simpson burning, is just so spanking clean!

Well, except for those first few days... when it must have been working properly, and it may have been recording data in connection with the diesel trucks that operate frequently near the new site. It seems that since those early days, well the air in Shelton has been just swell.

Which begs the question: Is the air monitor in need of recalibration? Or, perhaps it has already been recalibrated to give these pleasing readings?

It boggles the mind how moving the monitor to its new location could possibly result in all of these days of good air, especially in light of the numbers of diesel trucks which pass closer to it on the public safety building than ever they did when it was situated at the hospital.

Perhaps calls to ORCAA inquiring into how often the monitor is checked for accuracy; how often it has been (or will be) calibrated; and whether it is safe from tampering are in order?

These are a few of the questions I have come up with. I am sure the air-breathers in our community can come up with some more of their own.

Also, now that the City has entered into the agreement with ORCAA to house the monitor, I would assume the City can answer some of these questions.

Inquiring minds want to know how moving the monitor from the former site on the hospital, to its new site downtown, has resulted in such pristine air.


Call ORCAA at 360-539-7610 or 1-800-422-5623

1 comment:

  1. When first installed, it began having some higher readings - close to the yellow area.
    Does make one wonder.
    No pollutants from Simpson?
    No emissions from all the diesel trucks -- and cars?
