Thursday, May 5, 2011

Extra! Extra! Port to Pay CCMC Court Fees

Excerpt from:
Port Pays to Dismiss Suit
By Dedrick Allan

The Port of Shelton is paying court fees to have a lawsuit dismissed.

The Port Commission voted unanimously this week to authorize its Executive Director to spend up to $575.95 in fees to the Court of Appeals for the dismissal of the lawsuit brought against the Port by the Concerned Citizens of Mason County over its option lease with ADAGE.

Since the company has withdrawn its proposal to build a biomass power plant, the case is no longer necessary. The Port paying the fees is part of a negotiation to end the suit.

Link to complete article:

1 comment:

  1. I hope this is not true.

    The POS cost CCMC a great deal more than the costs to file the appeal. The Port's disdain for citizens resultedin this lawsuit; they should now pay to have it dismissed -- and not just $500!
