Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Port Sinking to New Lows

How low can he go?

Submitted to Shelton Blog by Tom Davis

When Steve Bloomfield, the five hundred pound darling of the Port of Shelton, stood up at the Port meeting today and announced there was a “rumor” that Commissioner Jack Miles had been discharged from the U.S. Marine Corp under less than honorable conditions, I wanted to puke. Even for the Port, this was a new low.

It was like watching the spectacle of someone setting themselves on fire and then turn to the audience and ask, “So what do you think of me now?”

Well, I thought it was the most disgusting, irrelevant and cowardly act I had ever had the misfortune to witness. And here’s why:

First of all, by Mr. Bloomfield’s own admission, the information he was inclined to share with an entire room full of people was “only a rumor”. That alone should tell you more about Mr. Bloomfield’s character than that of the man whose reputation he was attempting to besmirch. Secondly, given the irrelevance of the “rumored” accusation, what, exactly, was Mr. Bloomfield’s point? Was he trying to ruin a man’s reputation just for the fun of it?

If so, I can tell you that the only reputation Mr. Bloomfield managed to successfully ruin was his own...maybe.

Because it is well known that Mr. Bloomfield is a member in good standing of the inner circle of Port Commissioners. More clearly, he is a close friend, outspoken supporter and enthusiastic advocate of all things Port.

So the question begs: Did Commissioner Hupp, Wallitner, and Port Director John Dobson know about or approve of his shenanigans? What do you think? I didn’t hear any port official object to, or try to distance himself from, Mr. Bloomfield’s comments.

Here’s the thing: In a civilized society there are rules. Hell, even war has its ‘Rules of Engagement.’ But Steve Bloomfield apparently feels that the rules don’t apply to him. It is reasonable, therefore, to assume Mr. Bloomfield has led an exemplary life, one of self-sacrifice and moderation; and that there are no ‘rumors’ in his past he would not welcome becoming public knowledge.

Not to worry, Mr. Bloomfield. Your secrets are safe. I don’t know anyone willing to sink to that level.

Photo by Christine


  1. Jack Miles could produce his DD214 form which tells his status at separation from the service. Then Jack could sue the fellow for “defamation of character.” That might be a good lesson to learn, when you try to discredit a public figure for nefarious purposes.

  2. There is "Due Process" to follow if you want someone out of office. We should Know: We have had to follow "Due Process" in Recalling Comm. Jay Hupp!!! Steve B. and his group need to adhere, likewise, to the Rules of the Road on this one!! Maybe Steve thinks that Intimidation will get him somewhere?
