Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cartoon for the Day

Submitted to Shelton Blog by Claude


  1. The 'challenge' is on. We ARE Prepared and have Never Underestimated our opponent!!!

  2. I have read both the recall petition and the resonse from Hupp, his new attorney, and Hauser.

    The recall petition is a clean, precise document. I like it very much. Nice work by the recall committee.

    Hupp's declaration goes off the tracks when he attaches photo-shopped pictures and whines about believing there was some threat, implied or intended, by the photoshopped picture of the reaper sitting in his chair.

    Maybe someone should explain to Jay that we consider him the reaper, that his plans for our community are a death sentence to the vulnerable members of our population and that he, therefore, IS THE REAPER TO US.

    Then again, kind of like talking to a rock... the rock will never understand.

    Tomorrow's hearing before the visiting judge should be right interesting. I predict the judge will be more impressed by the recall committee than the Jay Hupp show.

    It should make the recall signers feel better to know that the recall statute is constured in favor of the voter, NOT THE ELECTED OFFICIAL.

    See you in court!

  3. Sorry about all of the typos.... the recall statute is "construed" in favor of the public, not the elected official. Good news for the public.
