Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ADAGE? Hirschi says "No"; Lingle says "Maybe"

Submitted to Shelton Blog by Katherine Price

Jerry Lingle has gone even further toward the dark side this week.

Last night, at a candidate forum held by the League of Women Voters, Jerry proved that every man has his price. We don't know what his price was, but it seems the man has been bought. It probably won't show up in his PDC reports, but I will take a look anyway.

In support of the statement (that Jerry has been bought): At two previous public events he has stated unequivocally that he was opposed to Adage coming to Mason County; that he had spoken to many, many citizens and they are opposed to Adage, I recall he even said he has asthma or something, so he was DOUBLY troubled by Adage coming to Mason County.

At last night's meeting, Kim McNamara asked the following question of Brenda and Jerry, (the two candidates for County Commissioner, District 3), prefacing it with "The answer to this question is "yes" or it is "no."

Do you support Adage coming to Mason County?

Candidate Brenda Hirschi answered, "NO, I do not support Adage."

Candidate Jerry Lingle answered, "MAYBE."

I swear it was only three weeks ago that I heard him last speak to the
issue and he was opposed to it!

I will say no more...for now.


  1. Thank you for enlightening us!

    Brenda Herschi has also been a spokesperson for the citizens, both at the Port and at the County Comm. meetings for the past 2 years. She's been the one "Watching the Budget" and reporting back to us with the "facts, nothing but the facts"!!
    She has Ethics, Morals, and a Code of Conduct that governs her thoughts and actions. We can count on Brenda to have the strength needed to stand-up to the other 2 commissioners, when she needs to do so.

    She has our vote and our support going forward.

  2. You realize you are preaching to the choir here, don't you?

    Note the Brenda Hirschi logo to the left of the screen.

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  4. You predict Brenda will lose.

    Then Jerry will win.

    Great result. Also the result Tim, Lynda and their corporate masters are working for.

    Check out the PDC filings to see who Jerry Lingle will be working for; who he will be representing; because it aint you, and it aint me. Check out that little donation from Tom Wallitmer; where do we know him from?

    Once elected, and since he has already back-pedealed on Adage, you can bet that saving our air will not be on the list of items Jerry will work for.

    Hell he is suggesting tourism as a way to save us, while thinking Adage may not be so bad? "Come to Mason County, highest level of dioxins in the country! Breathe deep, silly tourist."

    Notwithstanding Jerry's statements for the citizens to come to him, and to talk to him, because he will listen to the citizens, he will be on the job for them 24/7, that is, frankly, a really big load of crap.

    He has aldready aligned himself with the people who want to kill us.

    And if you work to elect him, or simply oppose Brenda, you are stacking the deck against the citizens.

    With Jerry Lingle, Tim and Lynda can have another Ross-like commissioner to help them run ShelDon-town, run it into the ground, and you and me and our families with it.

    My buddy, Sheri Staley, said "what we need is a reality based electorate in this country." She went on to say: "It's just like the right wing using gays and abortion to make people think that they represent their best interests, when they are losing their jobs, their wages are flat; when every other aspect in their life is a burden, and the most important things to them are abortion and gays, so they embrace candidates like Sharon Angle and Christine O'Donnell." And Laura Lewis. Pretty weak experience and credentials for being a county commissioner, by any standard, but really passionate about one issue.

    Let's not lose sight of the forest for the trees.

    I believe that Brenda will indeed fight, and fight hard, for our rights to breathe. I would, quite frankly, not support her at all if I did not believe this.

    Yes, she is all about the numbers, and the budget, that is her strength. But do not imagine for one minute that she is a one-dimensional being, or a one-dimensional candidate.

    For starts, she is not going to lose, and I hoipe that you will be happily surprised when she kicks ass and takes names in her efforts to keep this community ALIVE AND BREATHING!

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  7. I don't want to argue about qualifications, but Justin Stang does have a degree in history which, for me, elitist that I will now be accused of being, goes a long way to making sure that the same mistakes are NOT made over and over again.

    Let's get Brenda elected, then I will be right there with you in holding Brenda's feet to the fire, if necessary, to insure that no biomass incinerators are built in our county, or in our city, if it is within the means of a county commissioner to prevent it.

    Unlike Senator/Commissioner ShelTon and Commissioner Ring-Erckson, and Hupp and his gang of thugs at the Port, I don't have an option: I breath air, as do do the people who are in this fight with us.

    The mystery is, what do the evil-doers in our community breathe? Dioxins, I suppose!

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  9. Read Brenda's past Blog entries -- before she had to be more careful during the campaign time. She WAS a Voice against ADAGE as well as in educating some of the rest of us!!! Brenda asked the Democratic Party to take a "No ADAGE" position: They refused. Brenda has NOT changed in her "No ADAGE" position. The same rational applies, logically, to Simpson and its shell corporation -- for the same community health and welfare reasons. Her expertise in budget and fiscal management is a Big Plus for we citizens of Mason County for the near and far future. Our issues with our current Commissioners are far more encompassing than just ADAGE/Simpson. Look out: Our County Commissioners are already working on the next scam: Foreign Trade Zone changes so they can do as they please with any size property. Had this confirmed at the Tuesday PM Town Hall Meeting. Should have been there!

  10. Yep Jerry had gone over to the dark side. As always I will vote for Brenda. But if the second Simpson incinerator is built I will have to move (my husband has terminal lung disease, my daughter has congenital heart disease and I like to hike and exercise outdoors) If I have to move, won't give a rats ass about the budget in Mason County. To me there is no issue as important as being able to both breath and keep my home at the same time.

  11. Well, I did notice Jerry received money from Wallitner. Did you notice the Huff entry. I was kind of wondering if that was a typo. Hhmmmmm. The fact that Jerry can be bought off is the clincher for me. I feel like Brenda is our best chance to fight for us air breathers. I think she would be able to hold her own against ShelTon and Ring. Sounds like Jerry would "cave in" under the pressure (and already has) I too will be putting on the pressure when it comes to Simpson/Solomon.

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