Monday, October 18, 2010

It Worked for John Dobson and the WPA!

Submitted to Shelton Blog by Dj

In a recent message to the Washington Pilots Association, John Dobson, Executive Director of the Port of Shelton accused the Anti-Adage contingent of hijacking the process “with lies, intimidation and personal attacks...”

From where I sit, it is a couple of the Port Commissioners and Mr. Dobson who have attempted to promote their agenda, contrary to the wishes of the public, by using lies, intimidation and personal attacks.

Commissioner Jack Miles who opposes Adage has been told he’d better “watch his back”, and has been threatened with censure and physical violence. Peaceful observers at public Port meetings have been told that the Commission has the power to “clear the room”. Commissioner Hupp bangs his gavel to get his own way.

At a hearing about the Adage project, out-of-town thugs were paid to fill chairs in the Commission chambers during a hearing, forcing Port residents to be outside the chambers. Citizens were told they must follow preset ‘rules’ in their testimony if they wanted to be heard, but the members of the outside interest group didn’t have to follow the same rules. And instead of answering the scientific evidence against biomass, the proponents continue to circulate the same old tired lies they’ve been circulating since April.

I did some more research on the WPA website and I was thrilled to find their strategies for fighting the government. It seems the state Legislature was proposing a .5% Excise Tax on aircraft values, and the WPA didn’t like that idea. So they organized in opposition. The first thing they told the members to do was to contact their local representative and the Governor immediately and ask them to remove that portion of the bill, and tell them why the bill was a bad idea.

Quoting from the WPA website, “Also, stay on subject! Some of the chicanery (procedural tricks) while very frustrating are nothing more than a distraction. You risk your credibility if you stray. One subject at a time!” (emphasis theirs). And they were encouraged to show up! Contact their State Representatives and State Senators as soon as possible! Write them, call them, and if possible, visit their offices to tell them how this would affect them! Also attend the hearing even if they weren’t going to speak, because their presence would show their opposition. Then they were advised to “Throw the bums out...”

They united in large numbers and contacted their representatives, repeatedly, and they didn't stop until that legislation was defeated. This is what WE have all been doing in our battle against biomass. We have been hammering the facts, and letting our voices be heard.

So let's take heart that we are on the right track, and not grow weary. Let's avoid the distractions they try to throw in our way and stay on subject. Let's continue to show up and exert the pressure it is going to take to get our message across. And let's throw the bums out who won't listen to what the constituents want!

It worked for John Dobson and the WPA, and maybe he's worried that it will work for us...


  1. Port Director John Dobson implies in his statement to the Washington Pilots Association that those who oppose biomass are “anarchists.” This assertion is, let me see, what’s a good word for me to use here, oh yeah, stupid.

    Director Dobson knows this is not true, but thinks making inflammatory remarks will fire up his little squadron of local flyboys to rally a NO vote against Port initiatives 1 & 2. Way to go, John; wrap yourself in the American flag.

    The truth is that Port Commissioner, Jay Hupp, (or Huff, whatever he’s calling himself these days) and Port Director Dobson, have worked very hard to bring the eco-disaster that is biomass to Mason County. But does that make them patriots? I’ll let you decide.

    On the other side of the biomass issue is a group of real patriots with nothing more to gain than making Mason County a better place to live. This type of business heresy is so repugnant to our alleged leaders that they will stop at nothing to defeat us.

    But the business of self-serving so far removed from that of public service that these guys are willing to embrace conjecture over scientific facts. Such are the lambs of leadership that we are stuck with at the port of Shelton…at least for now.

  2. People, especially pilots, should understand......
    I have absolutely nothing against pilots, but like many, I could be encouraged to develop a problem with pilots, noise, low flights, safety concerns resulting from smokestacks, flight patterns over high schools, middle schools, elementary schools, shopping centers, and expansion of airport operations to noisy aircraft like jets, jet powered land speed cars, and all manner of airport annoyances.

    I'm also pretty sure there could be a few thousand that might be encouraged by certain things or people to join me in filing endless complaints about these issues with the FAA and other agencies governing airports and flight paths, flight frequencies, uses, noise and safety issues, etc.

    I would encourage pilots (who seem to be intelligent people using public facilities with basically no opposition) to remove anyone that might encourage resistance to their unfettered use of the Shelton Airport and the airspace over Mason County by picking fights with larger groups of citizens.
    Otherwise they might unwittingly encourage the citizenry to start issuing complaints about all manner of flights using the airport.
    It should be noted that the largest commercial operations have been stopped, restricted, altered and hampered by far less. It could happen here if the pilots were to listen to some arrogant know-it-all that leads them to make the same error or does so in their name. I think they should take action to remove any such leader and replace him with someone with some common sense.

  3. Here, here! Great advice.

    Additionally, we need to be calling ORCAA lots, someone from our group should be calling every day; I am going to call this afternoon!

    We need to keep the pressure on.

    I have written to the Governor twice; I think it is time for another letter to her as well.

    No, I don't think I am going to change her now established and written position; but, yes, I do think she is going to have to start taking us air-breathers seriously.

    If we are calling and writing often enough, pretty soon the pendulum is going to swing our way!

    Write and call everyone, snail mail letters sent certified mail are effective ways of holding their feet to the fire.

    This is a fight we cannot afford to lose; our incentive is our very lives, the lives of our families, neighbors and friends, and the value of our homes and property.

    Let's kick some #&$, shall we?

    And, as further incentive, just think about all of those lovely politicians who have been bought and paid for: How are they going to deal when they cannot deliver? Huh? Sound fun? Let's get to it.

    Keep it light,


  4. I just spoke with Gordon Lance at ORCAA (539-7610, extension #107) and ADAGE has provided them with the additional documentation they requested; the ORCAA engineers are reviewing it right now.

    I reminded him that we air-breathers are very much opposed to the ADAGE plant being built in our community ("You do know that we are really opposed to this plant being built in our community?"); he laughed and said he knew that. I am thinking he knows this because we keep reminding him. Nothing wrong with reminding him again, and again, and again!

    I left a message for Barbara Adkins at the County, who had also requested additional information from ADAGE, and I am awaiting her return call. Her phone number is 427-9670, and I forget the extension (271 maybe?)... but she needs to hear from us regularly as well.

    Let's keep the pressure on these folks.

    If you have not written or called Patty Murray's office in connection with your dismay that she would sign on to that letter to EPA asking them for less stringent standards, do so today; if you have already done so, do so again. Senator Murray is in the fight of her life and our votes should matter to her.

    Then there is the Governor.

    Like the other political creatures in our state, I am rather convinced that she is already on the dark side, hence her letter to EPA praising biomass. However, she is still a political creature. If she starts getting more calls against ADAGE than for it... maybe we can help lead her back to the light?

    Y'all get the picture.

    If there is someone who has already been paid by the opposition to grease the skids for ADAGE; we need to be a thorn in the backside of that someone!

    And if these things are not enough to keep us busy, we might call the County Commissioners and leave anti-ADAGE messages for them, we can email them as well. Since we are convinced of their evil nature already, we have let them have a pass on being annoyed by us. I think we need to re-think that practice and start making daily, or hourly, calls to their office: "Katherine Price here, again, just wanting to be sure that Commissioner Ross/Lynda/ShelTon knows that I am STILL opposed to ADAGE comning to town to poison our children and the elderly!

    While we wrote to Jason Dose in opposition to the Simpson/Solomon poison belcher, we have not been sufficiently affectionate toward the City Fathers (and Dawn), me thinks. So calls to their offices, expressing our passionate objections to the double-whammy Simpson/Solomon want to put on us would be in order as well.

    Keep it light, and maybe we can bring some of these political creatures to the light (although it may be like vampires; they may turn to dust once exposed to the light!).


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
