Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Shame On You, Patty Murray!

Submitted to Shelton Blog by Christine and John

What a disgraceful $ell-out Patty Murray is! She and 40 other $enators signed a letter to the EPA trying to kill the new proposed rules that would give us some protection from the corporate bioenergy onslaught. And why? One gue$$! What happened to protecting the environment and the health of your constituents, Patty?

The new rules acknowledge the severe environmental impact of greenhouse gas emissions from biomass incinerators and seeks to limit them. You know...actually DO something about the problem.

So here we have one of the few times in recent history that the EPA has actually started acting as it should, and what happens? Forty-one Senators who want to play corporate kissy face to garner votes and campaign cash, ask the EPA to forget about it...no can do.

Ain't democracy grand? Just wish we still had some!

Take a look at the letter and see who signed it:

US Senators' Letter and Signatures Link

Write Patty Murray:

Patty Murray Contact Form Link

Contact Lisa Jackson, Administrator, EPA
to express support for the EPA's MACT rules:


(202) 564-4700

Research kudos to Dj


  1. I do not know when I have been more disappointed in an elected official.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I wrote to Senator Murray and told her of my dismay that she was a signer on this letter. I asked her to reevaluate her position, and I provided copies of our doctors' letters.

    However, the position she took in that letter has already been taken.

    That position was taken after many of us in this community both wrote and called her office asking her to intervene and save our community,
    so I do not expect that she has any intention of changing her position; and I do not believe she made the decision to sign on without weighing "citizen health vs. corporate wealth." (And/or campaign contributions!)

    This is a case of one more politician who has decided that their bread is not buttered by the citizens.

    I have always supported Senator Murray, including door-belling and handing out her information in the lead-up to the primary. I have always had high regard for her, and I frankly liked her.

    However, she has clearly aligned herself with the biomass industry by signing on to that letter.

    Any other interpretation is hard to reach.

    Senator Murray has decided that industry, and jobs in an industry that will ultimately cause so much more harm than good, trumps you, trumps me and, most importantly, trumps the life and health of our children and grandchildren.

    This is what I find unforgiveable.
