Monday, July 19, 2010

First Post

OK here we go! Welcome to Shelton Blog!


  1. Now that's what I like, brevity. Short and sweet. Thank you for creating this site!

  2. Yeah, it's about time Shelton had a blog. Oly has had one for years.

  3. Please see:
    or search for 'biomassacre' on for additional footage on this vital issue concerning Mason County/Washington State residents. One reason citizens are in such an uproar is not simply the merits, which are compelling in their own right, but the PROCESS! It is the federal, state, and local level. No white knight is waiting in the wings to help us. The money and the politicians/officials are lined up against citizen interests on this one. This is a nonpartisan grass roots movement where citizens truly have no one to turn to but themselves. Without your involvement, we will surely lose and the odds are long against us and our children under even the best of realistic expectations. Money is the mother's milk of politics. This biomassacre proposal is a poster child of that sad fact. It highlights why citizens absolutely must get involved in this life and death struggle for our way of life and our children's future.
