Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's How You Get There

Submitted to Shelton Blog by John Cox

Doing what we can to reduce the suffering of others

Dark times are ahead for us all.
It has taken a century to do it, but the corporations are now in complete control. They have managed to convince most of us that what is good for the corporate bottom line, is what is also good for the rest of us.

The corporate puppet masters throw money at politicians who scramble around grabbing for it, willing to do anything for more, having long ago lost their souls. These elected officials vote, change laws, and play politics as surrogates for the new money changers in the temples.

The world's climate is rapidly changing and great upheavals are in store for us. The changes will not be kind to humanity. But you can be sure of one thing, the corporate masters will somehow extract profits from the world's increasing misery.

As individuals, there's not much we can do but maintain a constant low level revolt, doing what we can to reduce the suffering of others.

For some of us, there is no choice. It is our fate to fight. It is the choice-less choice to act in a way that is genuine; to act in a way that reduces the harm that greed, injustice, and stupidity inflict on our communities, even if only by small increments. It is the path of those who would be warriors or saints. It is not the end result that matters. It's how you get there.


  1. Submitted by Dick Curtis

    Greed and Power
    Something to Remember: Corporate Greed and Power structures are not obligated to any specific political party or politician – but only to what or whomever furthers their drive to greater Greed and Power.

    Politicians, looking for Power and Greed, do not favor any specific moneyed structure, albeit corporate, industrial, or special interest groups including good organizations. The only requirement is that $$$ are put into the campaign coffers anyway possible. Finally, the highest $$$ amount gets the vote!

    At some point, when the average citizen can’t or won’t fund these obsessive venues, --- things will change.

  2. Submitted by Dick Curtis

    Power and Greed versus Those That Care:

    The majority of the citizens of this town-county-state-country really do care about the well being of the of All the people who are affected by this seemingly never-ending cycle of More Money and More Power Structure --- always paid for by the average citizens.

    Corporate Greed-Power: Political Greed-Power. Each pays to enhance the other until there is little or nothing left to squeeze from the average citizen in order to fund this odious climb to more greed and more power.

    Don’t ever – not ever for a moment -- believe that something can’t be done to blunt the effect of the corporate and political greed/power structure. We do it a piece at a time no matter how small or large that piece may be. ONE PIECE AT A TIME --- ONE STEP AT A TIME.

    I’m a history buff. I remember the “Boston Tea Party”, how symbolic it was and yet, the act of standing-up to the greedy and power- hungry structure led us to where we are today. Hopeful thought, isn’t it.

    We must continue to be tenacious in our actions and persevere against apparent insurmountable odds – on behalf of all of us, the citizens of Shelton and Mason County.

  3. " maintain a constant low level revolt, doing what we can to reduce the suffering of others."

    To that end, oh good citizens who read this blog, the cold last week was only the beginning of the cold season - at least per those who believe they can predict the weather - and I would therefore encourage all to donate in whatever way you can to the extreme weather shelter operated by St. David's.

    Packages of clean sox are always a welcome donation; you don't want to know about the condition of the homeless populations' feet (trust me; you don't!).

    Scarves, hats, sweaters, gently used winter coats are all put to good use.

    Checks, large and small, help to keep the shelter open. As the winter progresses, funding is always a problem for the shelter.

    Thanks for acting locally, and for remembering that all of our small efforts combined contribute to "one piece at a time -- one step at a time."

    Thanks, John, and Dick, for these posts and reminders that ultimately it is not whether we win or lose, it is entirely how we played the game.

    Play impeccably, air breathers!

  4. All of the above comments are right on! If you think you're too small to make a difference, you haven't been in bed with a mosquito!
