Monday, September 27, 2010

A Triple Threat We'll All Regret!

Submitted to Shelton Blog by John Cox

The more I look at the recent developments with the local biomass incinerators, the crazier it seems. Many people would consider one incinerator an environmental disaster, but Shelton is being considered for not just one, but three! This isn't three incinerators placed in various locations throughout the County...all three would be right in Shelton. How lucky can we get? The Adage incinerator and Simpson's twin towers are being rammed down our throats, or maybe I should say down our lungs.

Some of us foolishly thought that if Simpson built a new incinerator, they would shut down the old polluter, but NOooooo. They want to be able to run both. The reason given at the public information meeting on the 23rd was that the old plant was needed “just in case”. The Simpson spokesperson said they had contracts for the steam, and therefore couldn't allow an interruption in steam production. So what have they been doing all this time with only one steam plant? They can't have a contract that allows for shutdowns?

And where is ORCAA? Are they going to allow this triple threat? When asked if they will consider all three incinerators in the atmospheric model used in the decision making process for the incinerator permits, the answer was somewhat hazy. There was no clear answer, and I have to think this was intentional and I am worried by that.

Simpson admitted that the primary reason for building the new incinerator is to make money by selling the excess power produced. That's it. Profit.

And Adage is only interested in one thing....again, profit.

Simpson and Adage do not care about our health. They do not care about the environment. They do not care about Shelton. They do not care about Mason County. They care only about their bottom line, and as we have been shown over and over again, our national and local politician$ $eem to $hare thi$ ob$e$$ion.

We are the sacrificial lambs being placed on the altar to the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR. Adage and Simpson are sharpening their knives, while their retinue of henchmen hold us down.

ORCAA seems to be resisting the idea that all three incinerators should be considered together. We will have to live and die with the cumulative effects of all three. I don't understand how ORCAA could even consider not including all three incinerators in their divinations.

Well....I don't plan to take this lying down. I will not be a willing sacrificial lamb, and clearly I am not the only one who feels this way. On September 1st, 100+ non-lambs told ORCAA how we felt about biomass incinerators. On September 23rd, 20+ non-lambs and the Grim Reaper gave SIMPSON and the City of Shelton the same message. On Wednesday, October 6th, 4-6pm, we will do it again in Olympia at the ORCAA offices.

BAAAAAAAAH....See you October 6th!


  1. It just seems crazy that one small community should suddenly be cursed with three of these bad boys!

  2. You are SO RIGHT!

    It is ALL about the MONEY.

    Look at Wall Street and the damage to main stream Americans. Look at BP, et al, and the damage to American livlihoods, our precious habitats, our fragile ecosystem. Biomass cogeneration plants will create a similar "catastrophic event" to be burdened by the common people, our pocketbooks, and our fagile ecosystem, once again. All for the $$$ they can reap.

    Wouldn't it be just great if, come December, ADAGE finds itself unable to dig that first whole in the ground and declare their construction begun. Think of the $$$ they will lose (and hopefully Simpson right along with them) if we can cause them the loss of the Stimulus Money!
