Sunday, August 15, 2010

What's this? A thank you for Adage?

Submitted to Shelton Blog by Christine

YES! A major miracle! I am thanking Adage! What possibly FOR, you might justifiably ask?

ANSWER: The PEOPLE!!! The incredibly bright. shining, articulate, perceptive, talented people of all ages and all walks of life, who have appeared from all corners of Mason County to save our community from the ravages of biomass incinerators!

The people who my spouse and I most likely would have never met if our area and quality of life were not threatened in this way...

The people, who when I look around at all their bright, concerned faces, give me HOPE that in the end, WE, the people, WILL persevere and succeed in preserving and protecting our environment, our community, our state, our country, and perhaps even the world from the GRIP of corporate domination!

So, thank you Adage for providing me the opportunity to meet all of these amazing, caring, and dedicated people! MAy we all be waving our goodbyes to you before too long!

MAy goodness conquer corporate greed!

MAy gentleness and harmlessness prevail!

MAy the LiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiGHT of wisdom illuminate the darkness of ignorance!



  1. I've noticed that with Blogspot, if you don't have javascript enabled, images and photos may not display as intended.

  2. Thank You for these UPLIFTING Words!

    Yes, so many of us have met wonderful new acquaintences through our bonding together in opposition not only to ADAGE but also in opposition to the way our County and Port Commissioners are treating the citizens of Mason County with such disrespect and disregard.
    We need to keep up the "good fight" until such time as our elected officials modify their behaviors and actions to reflect the will of the people -- regarding Any Topic we find important enough to exert our desires and expectations on the decision process.

  3. I'm really thankful for all of you wonderful people that provided me with a lot of knowledge about ADAGE and the harm that can come from not paying enough attention to what elected officials are really up's been an eye opener for me.
    I don't think this is over..we can still keep fighting and win the fight for clean air..and keep ADAGE out of Shelton. They didn't get to stay in Gretna, there has to be a way to make them leave Shelton. Thank you all for teaching me about civic duty.
