Thursday, September 27, 2012



Submitted to Shelton Blog by Bill Allen   Mason County Progressive

In less than six weeks, the electorate of Mason County will make a decision that will have a far ranging impact on the County.  Mason is, by anyone’s assessment, the “red headed stepchild” of county governments.  

So why is this election any more important than the last one?  Folks, that’s the magic question, right there!  Do YOU care?  You’d better!

We finally have a chance to change the paradigm that has made Mason County the bad boy role model of Western Washington.  In Denny Hamilton and Roslyn Reed, we have two capable candidates that appear motivated for all the RIGHT reasons: 

  • Using tax monies wisely 
  • Gain collaboration between County departments; cross over the rigid job descriptions
  • Get people working together on solution based recurring problems that create results and problem preventative procedures
  • Focus on processes not problems
  • Align public/private partnerships to achieve a multiplier effect on needed capital projects, commerce, industry and services
  • Eliminate the “us and them” attitude that has characterized County employees, the public, and commissioner attitudes
  • Most importantly, develop a strategic plan for every department that considers the increasing human impact Mason County incurs
  • Do this without creating a bloated infrastructure, but work from the creative resources of the fine staffs we have

To do this, the important step is to uproot the “alpha dog” of the Commission, Tim Sheldon.  For years he’s used his considerable influence to dominate the Commission, intimidate opposition, and force feed his initiatives and views.  This might have worked in Southern Mississippi or twenty years ago, but we’re now in the 21st century.  It’s time for Mason County to take a fresh approach.

To attend a Commissioner’s Meeting is to take a tour to a compassionate inquisition.  Public input is permitted, but limited and not really encouraged.  Legitimate issues brought up are met with defensive bombast as a minimum, and recrimination at the maximum.  If you’re on Tim’s side, life is good.  If not, beware.

This chaotic, contentious, and adversarial tone has now resulted in several lawsuits that cost the County dearly.  The financial surplus will erode in legal fees rather than shoring up laid off staff.  With what is left, staff of County departments are afraid to do anything out of a very narrow box, for fear of implied reprisal.  We have inconsistent policy development, and enforcement of land use regulations and water quality.  “Some are more equal than others” as Orwell said many years ago.  What master is Mr. Sheldon serving?  Follow the money to find out.  Is he really on “our side”?

Let’s keep something else in mind.  Mr. Sheldon has missed a Commissioner Meeting once a month for the last FOUR months!  If this was a volunteer position, one could tolerate some inconsistent attendance.  But no, this is a FULL TIME, benefit packed, professional job, or should be.  Eighty grand a year is a pretty good salary.  With that comes a responsibility to show up.  With any normal job, if you don’t show up...YOU’RE FIRED!  Hmmm, maybe it’s time!

For Mr. Hamilton and Ms. Reed, I’d offer the following: 

  • How much passion will you put into the presentation? You have the right stuff, so make it known.
  • Reach the people that are not satisfied with the “business as usual” and embarrass those that are.  There is something called civic responsibility.
  • Challenge everyone you meet to ask the tough questions.
  • The harder they look, the better you’ll look!
  • Get your supporters on the streets.

Mason is Magnificent!  We need to believe it!  It’s time for a change!



  1. I find your advice to the commission candidates appropriate and there will shortly be a street presence for our candidates.

    Telephone banks are ongoing, and all three Commission candidates are busy door-belling everywhere.

    Since all of these candidates are running as Democrats, you can get more information about them at Democratic Headquarters, you can sign up to volunteer at headquarters, you can pick up a sign for your yard, fence, or house, etc. You can get involved. You can feel good when these three candidates are elected because you helped!

    Democratic Headquarters is just off 7th & Railroad in the old church building.

    We have seen what happens when our commissioners work for industry and not citizens: Who can forget ADAGE being dropped on us after two years of planning among the Commissioners of the Port of Shelton and Mason County?

    Thanks Bill for this reminder of how much we have to lose by inaction.

  2. If anyone knows what he is talking about it is Bill Allen. Thanks Bill for telling it like it is and pointing out what really is going on in OUR Mason County.
