Wednesday, November 17, 2010

If the Rules Get in the Way, Change the Rules!

Link to pdf of this letter

Link to pdf of Memorandum of Understanding
(aka Memorandum of the Underhanded)

1 comment:

  1. Love that; "memorandum of the underhanded!"

    In reading the memorandum of agreement, there are lots of dates mentioned that have long since passed, so this one was held really close to the vest... showing once again that the county commissioners are not on the side of the air-breathers.

    Read the memorandum of understanding and then ask yourselves why none of this was mentioned by the commissioners in their weekly public meetings, up to and including this week's meeting. How come, when they know that the pesky citizens are very interested in everything in connection with this process, things are happening well under the radar of the citiens?

    ADAGE met with the county on October 6, who knew?

    Did we not know because we failed to look at the county website, where we now can go to review the memorandum of agreement, or did we not know because this iwasall secret?

    Transparency in government is a totally foreign concept for Mason County.

    Our soon to be new Commissioner, Jerry Lingle, said that he will listen to the citizens and that there will be transparency in government when he is a commissioner.

    We will see if anything changes at all once Tim and Lynda explain how local politics are done in Mason County.
