Sunday, November 14, 2010


Mason County, WA USA

Submitted to Shelton Blog by Dick and Jo Curtis


DATE: November 10, 2010

TO: Barbara A. Adkins, AICP
Mason County Dept. Community Development
411 N. 5th Street
P. O. Box 279
Shelton, WA 98584

FROM: Richard K. & JoAnn Curtis

SUBJECT: Comments on Scope of EIS

RE: Environmental Impacts of Additional Large Truck Traffic

Dear Ms. Adkins,

We are requesting that Mason County, through your office (MCDCD), address our specific concern dealing with the major increase in large diesel truck traffic volume within Shelton and the surrounding areas within Mason County. Please use the below provided information in redefining the Scope of the EIS for the proposed ADAGE LLC biomass incinerator plant/facility that is currently being considered for construction within our local community. Please understand that the impact of this additional truck traffic will affect multiple areas of concern and will need to be applied accordingly.

1. There will be an estimated 200 to 300 additional daily truck trips for the delivery of biomass to the facility and the return to the reload point. (Note: These trucks are considered under subcontract to ADAGE LLC and have NOT been included in any reports submitted by ADAGE LLC. However, since the Environmental Impact to this community will be a direct result of the subcontractors’ direct support of the operation of ADAGE LLC proposed facility, all these impacts must be added to the EIS Scope of Work, in addition to those currently listed by ADAGE.)

a. Conduct a study to determine the additional Air Pollution, to include all SEPA documented pollutants along with pollutants not included in SEPA but which will directly impact the Environment of Mason County and its residents, and thereby must be part of the EIS Scope of Work/Project. Not usually considered in pollutant studies is the creation of the visual and physical diesel pollutants resulting from partially-burned diesel fuel – more commonly known as “Black Tar.” The visual can be, but is not limited to, black or grey smoke or haze. The physical aspects are the small oily black soot flakes, sometimes microscopic, floating in the air and sticking to whatever objects it touches – including the air we breathe into our lungs and sinus passages.

b. Determine the negative impacts on pedestrian and privately-owned vehicles, especially those dealing with issues of Safety. Remember, these trucks will be traveling by 2-4 schools, children and park play areas, nursing homes, senior citizen housing, major shopping areas, churches, and many residential areas/homes. (Note: A truck loaded with ‘slash’ southbound off 101 took a sharp left turn onto Shelton Springs Road, making this turn at an unsafely high speed, and missed our car by inches while almost loosing total control. Such occurrences will become more common as the truck traffic increases and schedules must be adhered to.)

c. Conduct a study to determine the future potential impacts resulting from Road Damage and the resultant increased Maintenance. Determine who will pay the associated costs, especially considering that these costs will be in direct relationship to the contracted support for the operation of the ADAGE LLC plant/facility.

d. Conduct a study to determine the Noise impact. We realize that the County has recently modified the permissible noise levels. However, within the EIS Scope of Work it needs to be determined what the accumulated noise impacts will be from 300+ diesel trucks on a daily basis. (Remember, a single noise complaint of permitted plane noise at an airport is not a big thing --- but, multiple and continuous complaints eventually can shut that airport down.)

2. Determine the volume of increased truck traffic due to the delivery of chemicals, internal non-biomass fuels, and other supplies required in the operation of the ADAGE LLC plant/facility. This determination MUST be evaluated in the same depth of total analysis as has been defined under item #1a,b,c,d above.

3. Determine the volume of increased truck traffic due to the removal of the ash byproduct or any other waste material as a result of the ADAGE LLC plant/facility operation. This determination MUST be evaluated in the same depth of total analysis as has been defined under item #1a,b,c,d above.

Thank you for the work your department is doing on this very sensitive and critical endeavor. Your written response to this letter is important to allow for the clear and mutual understanding of the total Scope of Issues and Work in the conduct of a thorough EIS evaluation.


Richard K. Curtis
JoAnn Curtis
Shelton, WA 98584

Visit for sample letters or an online comment submission application.

Photo by Christine

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