Thursday, November 29, 2012


Submitted to Shelton Blog by John Cox    Mason County Progressive

Last week, Christine and I were in beautiful downtown Detroit attending a program with a spiritual teacher we have had a relationship with for many years. 

Part of the program was a Q&A session, and one of the attendees asked a question that could be summarized as, “What can we do about the evil corporations that are destroying the Earth?”

In the ensuing discussion it was said that "corporations are both good and bad", with the bottom line being "do what you can in your personal life to make the world a better place".

I have been thinking about this same issue for some time now.  I see evidence all around me that supports the view that corporations are predominately EVIL.  It is hard to recognize the positive aspects of corporations because what is good for some requires a balance of not-so-good for someone else, somewhere.  Actually, the more I look at it, I really can't see a truly positive thing about corporations. There is just too much “balancing” going on -- too much collateral damage.

“Incorporation” provides protection and other benefits for investors. The status of “incorporated” is granted by the government.  It is not created in heaven or hell, but by our democratically elected leaders.

This special status should involve a trade-off.  We the people grant corporation X the ability to limit personal liability and receive tax benefits and incentives.  In return, we want corporations to be a benefit to society. That's the trade. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours, etc.

But somewhere along the line, one side of the trade seems to have gone missing. We the people are a skinny little guy on a teeter-totter with an elephant for a playmate.  Over the years the rules governing this relationship have been watered down or have disappeared. 

Small communities can no longer decide if they want a corporation to open shop in their backyards or not.  Most readers of this blog are well aware of what went on with the ADAGE invasion attempt here in Mason County.  Clearly the rules have become rigged, and the elephants are stomping around and making a mess of things, while the little guys get fewer and fewer benefits if any at all.

It should not and does not have to be this way.

Despite what might be heard on Fox news, it does not make you a socialist to think that this economic card game should not be dealt from a stacked deck. It does not make you a heretic to believe that the profit motive is not divinely inspired. 

If you are able to see that something is wrong with the present set up, you are likely to be someone that is able to put yourself in someone else's shoes to some degree.  You are likely to be someone who can empathize with and feels compassion for others.

If you think that our economic system is just fine the way it is, and that “them that has, gets” is the real golden rule, you, my friend, are bringing this land of the free and home of the brave to its knees.  


1 comment:

  1. Corporations have managed to change, not only the way we live, but how we think we can’t live without them.

    “We are not rich by what we possess but by what we can do without.”
    Immanuel Kant
