Sunday, March 4, 2012


Email from:
Subject: Conservatives Seize Control of Our State Senate

Tell Senators Tom, Kastama, and Sheldon
to stop holding the senate hostage!

Late Friday, three conservative Democrats turned their backs on Washington families and joined all 22 Republicans in hijacking our state senate.

Your senator, Tim Sheldon joined Republicans in using an arcane procedure to seize control of our senate.Their goal is to pass a radical conservative budget, as well as four other far-right policy bills. Their budget cuts the salaries of our most highly trained teachers, school funding, family planning, higher education, and financial aid, and wreaks havoc on the disabled and poor.1 To add insult to injury, they only released their budget a few hours ago, leaving no time for other senators to even read the bill.

This legislative temper-tantrum isn’t how government should work. Legislators should pass a progressive, sustainable budget that invests in our communities and protects funding for education, health care, and essential services. The only thing sustainable about this ultra-conservative budget is the pain it will cause thousands of Washington families for years to come.

Tell Senators Tom, Kastama, and Sheldon to stop holding the senate hostage. Their anti-democratic efforts to pass a conservative, inhumane budget are undermining our future.
Click below to take action now

Link to Fuse website:

Link to related articles in The

Link to related article in The Seattle Times

1 comment:

  1. I signed and sent.

    Thanks for the link and for making it so simple.

    Our Senator Sheldon never ceases to amaze me with his continuing bad behavior.
