Monday, November 7, 2011



  1. Since it is Veterans Day, I am hoping we will have a large showing of Vets.

    A second Vet, 2 tours in Iraq and 1 in Afghanistan, has been hospitalized after being beaten by Oakland police for trying to exercise his right to free speech and assembly in Oakland.

    This Vet was beaten and then taken to jail; when he was released he was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery in connection with his ruptured spleen.

    The Oakland police are totally out of control!

  2. A letter to the editor of the Journal 11/10/11 suggests that there may be some confusion about Occupy Shelton. For a bit of clarity be advised:

    ALL CITIZENS, age 0+ to 100+ should attend. Grandmothers and grandfathers should attend, and bring their grandchildren! Moms and Dads should attend, and bring their children. Teenagers should come, and bring your parents! Neighbors should bring their neighbors.

    Only by coming together as CITIZENS are we going to find SOLUTIONS to the SERIOUS PROBLEMS facing us.

    Please join us!!
