Saturday, October 23, 2010


Submitted to Shelton Blog by John Cox

I am really in a quandary.

I really, really, really want Tim Sheldon out of office, any office, every office.

I have never voted for a Republican in my entire life. Democrats, usually. Green, yes. Independent, yes. I even voted for a socialist once. But Republican? Never. But now, I am thinking about it. And not just any Republican...a tea-bagger Republican!

Surely. I will go to heretics hell for even thinking about this.

I can try to make myself feel a little better by blaming my predicament on the local Democratic Party. How did this happen? Why isn't there anybody anywhere to the left of Mussolini running against Tim Sheldon?

I have a way of looking at the left/right, liberal/conservative, democrat/republican dichotomies that goes something like this:

Imagine a scale that goes from -10 to +10. The scale measures empathy and compassion. To me this means the ability to put oneself in another's shoes, to see from another's point of view, and to feel sympathy for the plight of others.

On the extreme -10 side with a total lacking of these qualities would be sociopaths, evil dictators, Hitler, transnational corporation CEOs, etc. On the extreme +10 side would be people like Jesus, Buddha, saints, etc.

The middle ground, which most of us inhabit, is more difficult to characterize, but in general, progressive, liberal types would be on the positive side, and right wing conservative types on the negative side.

Some examples as I see it are:

This is, of course, just my opinion, and is based only on my observations of public or recorded behavior. (Who knows what's really going on inside of anybody?)

And now we come to Grandma Nancy (-5). I am actually considering voting for her this time, and I know I am not the only heretic out there. The problem with this is her positions. All of them. She rattles off all the cliches and views that are common to tea-baggers these days. On the majority of her positions, I can just add 'NOT' to it and there I am.

And yet, here I am still considering whether I can stomach voting for her.

So it goes...


  1. The problem with Tim is he is anti-human; his opponent, however, is even more anti-human: She would gut every social service and safety net we have for the most vulnerable of our citizens, because she believes that neighbors and churches are supposed to be that safety net. If they were, we would not need to pick up the slack...

    But neighbors and churches are selective and help their own first... and judge the daylights out of those who are not "them."

    We are damned if we do and damned if we do not in this particular race...

  2. As a real estate developer I take strong objection to be characterized as a -2 on the chart. A -1 would be more accurate.

  3. Tom Davis, you are in a category of your own: +9

  4. Nancy is NOT anti-human! She is a Foster Parent, and THAT takes compassion and the patience of a saint. She actually takes care of the most vulnerable people in our society, the babies and children who can't take care of themselves. I hold a great deal of respect for anyone who can open their homes and hearts in that way. Sorry K, but your comment looks every bit as judgemental as what you claim the churches to be.

  5. One of the primary factors in determining where somewhere would fit on this totally made up scale of mine was how large the person considers his or her family to be. Many people who tend to be on the minus side no doubt feel compassion but it tends to stay closer to home. It is for their immediate family or relatives, people they know. The higher someone ranks on the positive side, the more likely it would be that they would feel compassion for others outside their family or group. A +10 person IS compassion itself.

  6. We like your "Scale" John. Now, that's the way to really measure a candidate!
    The Foster Care Program is run by the DSHS -- the very agency Grandma plans to make Deep Cuts Into! Other caring agencies, such as Child Haven, which cares for, teaches and provides counseling for both the child and the parents or foster parents, is also on Grandma's "Chopping Block" as its funds also come from DSHS (50%).
    We don't want ShelDON -- but am concerned about Grandma and her Knife!!
    As a fellow CCMC said: We'll just have to hold our noses and vote for Grandma!

  7. A write in for Justin Stang means "I don't want Timmy to win."

    Voting for Grandma means "I REALLY REALLY don't want Timmy to win!"

    But can I do it without going into anaphylactic shock?

  8. Justin Stang it is. No need to hold your nose or go into any sort of shock. Thanks Mossy one.

  9. I like Justin Stang, and would love to vote for him. But a vote for Justin is like another vote for Tim. A vote for Grandma, however, is a vote against Tim. Grandma may be the second worst choice we can imagine. but she's not the worst.
