Thursday, September 29, 2011


"Vote for Jack Miles" signs are being "disappeared"


Submitted to Shelton Blog by Pat Jerrells
Mason County Progressive

I am so extremely disappointed in our Mason County residents who have participated in pulling up or stealing the campaign signs of Jack Miles and others running for various positions.

The vote for Jack sign that was at the end of Cole Road was taken down once, and after being put back up, was stolen the next time around. I noticed that a Dick Taylor sign now resides in that spot instead!

Two Jack signs on Arcadia Road were tampered with, one was broken off and the other was pushed over in the grass. The Jack signs at the end of my own road that intersects Arcadia (Nighthawk Place) were stolen sometime this past Monday. (Also, a "Save Our Air" sign was stolen off Old Arcadia Road this past week. It had been there for several months.)

Could it be supporters of Dick Taylor who are doing this to the Jack Miles' signs? I think Mr.Taylor has too much integrity to sanction such activity. But perhaps some of his supporters are not willing to leave it to the ballot box to determine the election outcome, and believe they have to trash or steal opponents' signs? Shouldn't they have enough confidence in their choice of candidate, and enough faith in the system of voting to leave the signs of others alone?

Such activity is also a personal attack on all the people who have donated to the various candidates. Money is not so easy to come by these days. Not many have much extra money to donate for purchasing signs, stakes, advertising or paper materials that are needed for campaigning and getting the message out to the voters. Many worked at putting up the signs and doing other jobs associated with campaigning.

Most people know this vandalism is very poor behavior and shows a lack of understanding about how our political process works in this country.

All voters should be outraged that anyone takes it upon themselves to decide for others what they will read, and by that, whom they will vote for in the coming election. I support Jack Miles. Whoever wants to vote for Dick Taylor has that option. Both of their signage should be left alone out of respect for the candidates, and out of respect for the voting system.

Instead of pulling down or stealing political signs, these folks should be doing something constructive, such as encouraging others to get out and register to vote...and then vote themselves.

That is the way our system is supposed to work.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Cartoon for the Day

Submitted to Shelton Blog by Claude Bennington Mason County Progressive


Mosquito quote from previous related post


Sunday, September 25, 2011


Public suggestions again dismissed out of hand

Submitted to Shelton Blog by Tom Davis
Mason County Progressive

Port of Shelton Director John Dobson was on his game at last Tuesday’s meeting, and we should thank our lucky stars he’s not an elected official, at least we didn’t elect him.

The meeting progressed pretty much as usual until it came time for "Staff Comments"’, and one of Dobson’s dreaded “Four P’s” (Pop Power Point Presentations) which was aimed at educating the dullards in attendance.

I use the word “dullards” to impress upon the reader the subtext of the Port’s message: if you don’t agree with us why the rezone of 160 acres south of the airport jeopardizes future operations, it must be because you don’t understand the situation. And for that particular problem there is but one solution: to present our position in ever simpler terms till it penetrates your thick skull.

As expected, so long as those in attendance let Dobson run his mouth off, all was well. But when anyone questioned the validity of the information being presented, or God forbid, suggested the Port make some accommodation to the developer, JD quickly reverted to the red-faced, table thumping BS artist we’ve all come to distrust. Needless to say, public suggestions were dismissed out of hand.

So here is my message to Mr. Hupp, Mr. Wallitner and Mr. Dobson: Your vision for the future of Sanderson Field is both physically unlikely and economically unrealistic. On the other hand, the Shelton Hills plan is not only feasible and economically sound, but based on the tried and true principles of good business practice. Moreover, it is here, it is real and it is ready to go.

Furthermore, your stubborn refusal to look at the problem with any degree of objectivity, or with an eye toward economic immediacy, has brought your management skills into question.

By continuing to cling to flights of fantasy posing as sound business practice, the Port has failed in its primary mission to promote growth, failed to represent the community in a favorable business light, and failed to act as responsible stewards of public assets.

Each day Shelton Hills is delayed by you, Mr. Hupp, Mr. Wallitner and Mr. Dobson, is another day our community must struggle with those who would choose fantasy over reality.

Saturday, September 24, 2011



Submitted to Shelton Blog by Jake Rufer
Mason County Progressive

Date: 23 September 2011

To: Rob Drexler

MCAR Quality of Life Committee Chairman

John L. Scott – Belfair

From: Jake Rufer


Mr. Drexler,

I support your participation in local politics both on the political and legal front. You are welcome to attack Jack Miles in any ethical manner possible. But -- there is a big "HOWEVER" in all of this.

In your letter of September 20th to Jack Miles, you strongly advocate that “any business who would like to locate (or expand) here be allowed to go through the permitting process that has painstakingly been put in place by local officials, governments, and residents..."


"We believe that it is simply un-American to be any other way.”

I pose two "HOWEVERS":
First, across this nation, most rules as to the permitting process and the laws underpinning those processes exist as a result of powerful interests that support them. There comes a time when those without a hand on the throttle rise to object to the railroad effect of the processes of which you write.
Second, I shudder at your careless use of the term, "un-American". I recall the days when the U.S. House of Representatives had amongst its plethora of committees, a committee named the House Un-American activities Committee (HUAC). That committee literally peered beneath carpets to find political opponents that it labeled "UN-AMERICAN".

The Senate had a committee on Government Operations. This was the bailiwick of Senator Joe McCarthy who conducted witch hunts for communists. In the process he destroyed many people, but never independently found a communist in our government.

In our own State of Washington, we had the Canwell Committee. Al Canwell and others roamed the state on a quest to weed out those of us who were, as you use the term--UN-AMERICAN.
So -- regardless of your opinion of Jack Miles, you should be careful of slipping around in the slime which is truly UN-AMERICAN.

Jake Rufer
Shelton, WA


Link to previous related post "JACK MILES AND REALTORS CONT'D":

Link to Jack Miles Re-Election Campaign website:

Friday, September 23, 2011


Jerry Lingle's replacement to be named 10/4/11


Submitted to Shelton Blog by Tom Davis
Mason County Progressive

It has been an interesting week of meetings, and it will take two posts to do it justice, so let’s get to it:

Monday 12:00 PM: Candidate interviews:

A three member panel appointed by the two County Commissioners held initial interviews of 16 hopefuls applying for the position of Mason County Commissioner, District 3, vacated by the sudden passing of Jerry Lingle.

Members of the panel included retired MC Judge, Jim Sawyer; MC PUD 3 Commissioner, Linda Gott, and MC Fire District #4 Commissioner, Brett Bishop. Each candidate was asked the same four questions, though only the two most relevant of those are recorded here.
1. What assets do you bring to the position?
2. What are the most important issues facing Mason County?
Now, I know I should divide the page up into neat columns, with headings and subcategories to give the reader a concise and accurate word picture of events, but I don’t know how to do that, so let’s just roll with a brief narrative for each candidate.

Brian Avery: comes off as an educated man with deep convictions and community spirit. He cites years of volunteer service and a life-long ambition to serve his community in a capacity that will make a real difference. Water quality, mental health issues, economic growth and public safety are his priorities. My Personal Read (MPR): Brian means well but appears under pressure.

Curtis Bennett: says he brings intelligence, compassion and experience to the position, and is most concerned about transportation/highway needs, and budget and mental health issues. Curtis is of the mind that business and the environment can co-exist and thrive. MPR: Well connected, well liked, and well respected; unsure of his qualifications; a bit too late to the party -- at least this one.

Steve Bloomfield:
says his best qualities are leadership and common sense, and cites a laundry list of community service to prove it. His priorities are no new taxes, clean water, jobs, and a continuation of our natural resource driven economy. Steve says that Mason County has been good to him and his family and it is time to give something back. MPR: Steve is an advocate’s advocate for the shellfish industry; lacks the objectivity to perform his political duties in an equitable manner.

Randy Churchill:
tells us he has lived in MC for 59 years, and cites good communication skills, leadership and the ability to bring people together as his best assets. Randy also wants us to know he has a life-long commitment to community service. Priorities: More judicial manpower (jobs), better infrastructure to attract more businesses. MPR: Great salesman but likely to bring more sizzle than steak to the position.

Terra Dittmer:
cites good communication, problem solving and organizational skills as her most notable assets; says she’s a real “people person”, which will also help bring the community together. Terra believes the Belfair wastewater issue, jobs and poor morale are our most pressing problems. MPR: A high energy gal, but maybe not in the best sense; more nervous than driven.

Clinton Ferrara:
says his biggest asset is a connection with the community and the ability to listen to the public. Clinton says what he doesn’t know about the job, he can learn from people who do. Biggest problems: the budget, backward thinking, the environment and lack of representation. MPR: Nice, “whole earth” kind of guy; not qualified.

Ross Gallagher:
thinks his best assets are experience, good negotiating skills, a tendency toward open government, accessibility and a commitment to community. His top priorities are clean water issues, the budget and completing the Belfair wastewater project. MPR: Well, shut my mouth -- Ross came across as articulate, knowledgeable about the issues and with both feet firmly planted on the ground.

Joyce Lingle:
says she brings a high level of community involvement to the table, with special emphasis on domestic violence issues, as a result of her service as a reserve police officer. Top priorities are to re-establish communication between government officials and the citizenry, the budget, building a strong community and funding advanced age related services. MPR: Joyce is earthy, sincere and outspoken; a welcome breath of fresh air in an overly stuffy chamber. Problem is Joyce’s downside is the same as her upside, and she may be a bit too unpolished for the position.

Terri Jeffreys:
cites knowledge of local government, finance, land use policies and state funding as her chief assets. She also thinks any response to funding mental health issues by raising the sales tax 1/10 of 1% should be a “measured” effort, and that the budget deficit and completion of the Belfair wastewater system are top priorities. MPR: No thanks, we already have her male counterpart on the board.

Annette McGee: brings experience, loyalty, honesty and a deep love for Mason County to the task at hand. She says she’ll just about do the job for free. Her primary issues are essential services, the budget, and transparency in government. MPR: Twenty years ago I would have felt privileged to carry Annette’s lunch to work every day. I can say more without being rightfully accused of being politically incorrect.

John Price:
Failed to show up for the interview. MPR: So far, I like him best.

Thomas Randall:
is a man of few words, who says working with people and being an “independent” are his strongest assets. Tom is deeply involved in his family and 4H. His top priorities are: the pot issue (he did not elaborate), public works, jobs and new business. MPR: Way out of his league; strong silent type only works in the movies.

James Sims:
had a boating accident just prior to the interview date, so the interview was done via speakerphone. Assets: objectivity, experience, confidence. Priority issues: Budget (competing demands for limited resources) and public safety. MPR: Smart, articulate “company” man, but confuses objectivity with opinion and arrogance with confidence.

Mike Rutter: feels leadership, compassion and a can-do personality are the qualities he brings to the position. Mike is an active motorcycle rider/club member, as well belonging to both the Elks and Moose clubs. Priorities: Water quality and shellfish. MPR: More of a follower than a leader; way in over his head.

Marlene Taylor:
cites her best assets as experience and working across municipal lines. Priorities: Belfair sewer system, water quality, mental health issues, public safety and animal control. MPR: Clearly cares deeply for her community, but sense her skills may be more suitable for the way things used to be.

Please know that the above oh-so-brief snapshot of the candidates is in no way meant to be an accurate measure of their level of experience, qualifications or moral character.

Also know that the author’s pithy asides were offered only to keep the reader from dying of boredom. In my opinion, none of the candidates have what it takes to set our county off in a more constructive economic, environmental or socially responsible course.

Be that as it may, that decision does not rest with the public: On Oct. 4th Commissioners Lynda Ring-Erickson and Tim Sheldon will chose a new Commissioner to represent Mason County, District #3.

And on that sad note, I bid you all adieu.

Photo by John Cox


Excerpts from:
TRAIN Act or Train Wreck:
House Passes Bill Blocking Clean Air Act

WASHINGTON, DC, September 23, 2011 - The House Republicans are calling it the TRAIN Act, but environmentalists are calling it a "train wreck."

Today the House passed the Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on the Nation (TRAIN) Act of 2011 (H.R. 2401), which would dismantle core elements of the Clean Air Act.

The measure would block health safeguards already issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and prevent imminent mercury standards from being adopted.

The law would impose a mandatory minimum delay of between 15 and 19 months and eliminate any statutory deadlines for EPA to reissue those standards in the future.

The Obama Administration has said the President is likely to veto the bill if it reaches his desk...

Now the bill goes to the Democrat-led Senate.

Earlier this week, Senator Barbara Boxer, a California Democrat who chairs the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, held a press conference with public health experts and a family affected by asthma to stress the importance of defending the Clean Air Act from attacks, such as the TRAIN Act.

Senator Boxer said, "Today our landmark Clean Air Act, which has protected the air we breathe for decades is under fierce attack by House Republicans. We have faced this attack once already since the Republicans took over the House. We prevailed then, and we must prevail now."

If approved by the Senate, the measure would go to President Barack Obama for his signature and there faces a veto threat.

Link to complete article:

Thursday, September 22, 2011



Citizens of Shelton, fellow air-breathers,
come to the ORCAA public hearing
to have your concerns heard!

Submitted to Shelton Blog by Katherine Price Mason County Progressive

ORCAA has granted us the opportunity to come comment on Tuesday, September 27, 2011, at 5:00 p.m., on the proposed FIVE YEAR renewal of the Simpson Timber Company Air Operating Permit.

As an existing industry that already employs dozens of local citizens, Simpson certainly holds a different place in our community than an out-of-town business with no roots here. Further, the Simpson facility does not normally burn 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Therefore, opposition to the Simpson plant is not as fierce.

Rather than seek to make Simpson leave town, thus reducing it's pollution impact to zero, we must find a way to work with Simpson. A way forward needs to be found where Simpson can continue its operations, and can continue providing living-wage jobs for some of our citizens, while seeking ways to minimize the negative, polluting effects Simpson's operations have on our community.

I hope by now, many of our air-breathers have had a chance to review the Air Operating Permit and the Technical Support Document in connection with the proposed five year renewal of Simpson's permit to burn in the harbor. If you have not had a chance, these documents can be reviewed online at ORCAA's website.

This hearing is an opportunity for our community to once again show ORCAA, and industry, that we are watching what happens in our town and in our county, and that we will continue to monitor polluting industries and the agencies who permit their polluting activities.

Please join me on Tuesday, September 27, at 5:00 p.m. in the Civic Center, to show ORCAA and Simpson that the citizens of Shelton and Mason County care about our air. Let's show ORCAA that we also care deeply about the health of our citizens. Especially our young and elderly who are the most susceptible to the illnesses that result from exposure to the small particulate matter which is a byproduct of burning wood (which particulate matter is too small to be trapped by the filtering system at Simpson).

If you previously testified at the ADAGE hearing held by ORCAA, PLEASE come testify again at this hearing. The science and the medicine of exposure to the 2.5 particulate matter does not change from Johns Prairie to the Shelton Harbor. ORCAA got a pass on responding to our six hours of comments and questions from the last hearing because of the withdrawal of the
ADAGE project.

I very much hope to see our air-breathing community out in force on the 27th, and speaking out for minimizing, wherever possible, the effects of pollution on our families and friends.

Keep it light,


Tuesday, September 27th, 2011
5:00 PM
Shelton Civic Center
525 West Cota Street

Shelton, WA 98584


Link to Simpson permit documents on ORCAA website:


Excerpts from:
White House Threatens To Veto TRAIN Act
Barack Obama Clean Air Act

WASHINGTON -- The White House on Wednesday threatened to veto legislation that would delay the implementation of certain air quality standards by further curbing the Environmental Protection Agency's regulatory power under the Clean Air Act.

"While the Administration strongly supports careful analysis of the economic effects of regulation, the approach taken in H.R. 2401 would slow or undermine important public health protections,” the White House said.

The statement comes weeks after the president angered environmental groups by shelving a proposed tightening of ozone standards.

Now instead of blocking EPA rules, he's threatening to block Congress...

Though the legislation is considered unlikely to pass the Senate, the administration is at some pains to be on record as having defended air pollution laws in the wake of the president's ozone decision, and has pledged previously to defend the authority of the Clean Air Act. Wednesday's statement serves to underscore that pledge...

Read the full statement from the White House below.
The Administration strongly opposes H.R. 2401, which would block two landmark public health regulations under the Clean Air Act (CAA) and require the preparation of costly, unnecessary, and redundant reports. While the Administration strongly supports careful analysis of the economic effects of regulation, the approach taken in H.R. 2401 would slow or undermine important public health protections.

Since its enactment in 1970 and subsequent amendment in 1990, both times with strong bipartisan support, the CAA has improved the Nation's air quality and protected the health of this country’s citizens. Forty years of success have demonstrated that strong environmental protections and strong economic growth go hand in hand. H.R. 2401 would undermine this progress by blocking EPA's ability to move forward with two long overdue CAA rules – the Mercury and Air Toxics Standard and the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule – to reduce harmful air pollution that threatens public health, especially the health of the most vulnerable populations, including children and seniors.

Each year, these rules would avoid tens of thousands of premature deaths, prevent tens of thousands of heart attacks and thousands of hospital visits for respiratory and cardiovascular disease, and alleviate hundreds of thousands of childhood asthma attacks and other respiratory illnesses. EPA estimates that these two rules alone will yield hundreds of billions of dollars in net benefits each year. H.R. 2401 would block these rules and indefinitely delay these public health and economic benefits.

If the President is presented with H.R. 2401, his senior advisors would recommend that he veto the bill.
Link to complete article:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Cartoon for the Day

Submitted to Shelton Blog by Claude Bennington Mason County Progressive


Jack Miles with local activist mother and sons
at a Shelton "Save Our Air" demonstration

Submitted to Shelton Blog by Jack Miles Mason County Progressive

From: Rob Drexler
To: Jack Miles

Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 3:34 PM

Hi Jack –

The Mason County Association of Realtors publicly supported the permitting process associated with the Bio-Mass projects, and still does.

We are FOR the ability of any business who would like to locate (or expand) here to be allowed to go through the permitting process that has painstakingly been put in place by local officials, governments, and residents, and to have some level of assurance that they will be treated fairly.

We believe that it is simply un-American to be any other way. Our members had a wide array of feelings about the project, but the vast majority supported the idea that any legal business should be allowed to go through the process. We might not like the idea of having a strip club in our town either, but they should still be allowed to go through the legal permitting process, and if they meet the requirements, granted a permit to build.

As for the grassroots group “Citizens for a Prosperous Mason County”, the Mason County Association of Realtors has no relationship. It is my understanding that this is a group of local business people formed to encourage growth and prosperity for our county, several of which happen to be local Realtors.

So do I understand correctly that you are turning down the opportunity to interview with the Realtors for official endorsement?

Thank you for your time and response.

Rob Drexler
MCAR Quality of Life Committee Chairman

John L. Scott – Belfair


From: Jack Miles
To: Rob Drexler

Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hi Rob,

Thanks for your response. You are correct. I do not wish to be interviewed for an endorsement by the Mason County Association of Realtors.

I find your reasoning to be very disturbing in that your organization would have a "Quality of Life" committee and then back a project that would have negatively affected the health and quality of life of our entire community. You and your organization should be ashamed of yourselves.

I value the position I hold as an elected official who was voted into office by the people, for the people and of the people. My first priority as an elected official is to protect the health and safety of this community, and therefore, protect, preserve and defend this community's "Quality of Life".

Shame on you and shame on the Mason County Association of Realtors for backing the ADAGE permitting process (the "Bio-Mass projects").


Jack Miles
Commissioner Port of Shelton

Photo by Christine

Link to Jack Miles Re-election Campaign website:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011



Submitted to Shelton Blog by John Cox
Mason County Progressive

On Tuesday, September 27th, at 5:00 PM at the Shelton Civic Center, ORCAA (Olympic Regional Clean Air Agency) will be conducting a public hearing for Simpson Lumber's air pollution permit five year renewal.

I don't expect Simpson will have any problems getting the OK to continue with what they have been doing in downtown Shelton for decades. They will continue to pollute the air, water, ground and the ethers as they have been doing for decades. They will continue to provide some jobs to placate the rabble, and continue to furiously convert green trees into cash to fill their pockets. All this is nothing new.

Not to mention that the ORCAA/EPA permitting process is a joke. A very serious joke. A lot of very talented and dedicated people are working for an organization that has been so compromised by politics that is it is just a rubber stamp for industry. If you are big enough and/or can provide enough cash, you get to do whatever you want in this country, as long as you can make it look "good".

You can have a smokestack belching tremendous amounts of toxic, people killing pollution, but if ORCAA says OK? Well it must be OK. Right?

The County Commissioners think so. The Port of Shelton Commissioners think so (except for Jack Miles). The City of Shelton officials think so. The Chamber of Commerce and all rest of the money changers think so.

And I wonder how many of all the folks I've just mentioned live near the downtown Simpson facility? How many of them can't escape the toxic stinking air downtown when Simpson's incinerator is spewing its load into the air? No problem, right? ORCAA says all is well.

Well no, it's not alright. It's not OK.

I tend to see our environment, the Earth, as a temple and it is being desecrated. It is being stripped and sold by those that serve the darker sides of our nature: selfishness and greed, and they have a lot of power.

So why bother going to the Simpson air permit hearing? How can we fight such power?

I know it's a bit cliche, but here it is: we must speak truth to power...again and again and AGAIN. Absolutely nothing happens unless we citizens make our voices heard.

A number of years ago, my co-conspirator (and spouse) and I lived for some time in a thatched hut in a rural part of South India. The mosquitoes there were many and mean. As they were tiny, it was no big deal when just one would occasionally buzz your ear during the day (when not many were out and about) -- you could just easily swat it away. But at night, it was a much different story. There were so many of them out for our blood that they would actually form a black pulsating cloud on the mosquito net, and the sound of their wings was an all pervasive buzzing. The mosquitoes were in control.

As individuals, we may not be able to overcome the forces of greed, but if we take a tip from the mosquitoes...

See you at the hearing! Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!


Tuesday, September 27th, 2011
5:00 PM
Shelton Civic Center
525 West Cota Street

Shelton, WA 98584


Link to Simpson permit documents on ORCAA website:

Link to previous related post "A Call to Action":

Monday, September 19, 2011


Jack Miles at ORCAA demonstration last autumn

Submitted to Shelton Blog by Jack Miles
Mason County Progressive

Mason County Association of Realtors
P.O. Box 908

Shelton, WA 98584

September 8, 2011

Jack Miles
Commissioner, Port of Shelton

Dear Commissioner Miles:

On behalf of the Mason County Association of Realtors Quality of Life Committee, I would like to extend the invitation to participate in our candidate endorsement process by meeting with our interview team on September 29, 2011. We will conduct the interview for your race at 9:30 am and it will last approximately 20 minutes, afterwards we will interview your opponent. The interviews will be conducted at the Peninsula Credit Union at: 521 W. Railroad St. Shelton, WA 98584.

We would appreciate your thoughtful response to our questions. The purpose of the candidate interview process is to learn candidates' views on our issues and to promote the election of those individuals who know and understand realtor issues. You can learn more about us and our issues by going to and following the link for Quality of Life.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions regarding our interview process and we look forward to seeing you on the 29th.


Rob Drexler
Quality of Life Committee Chair

Hi Rob,

Thank you for the invitation to the candidate endorsement process interview scheduled for September 29th.

First, I have a few questions of my own to ask regarding "quality of life". As you know, I was the only elected official in Mason County who stood up against the ADAGE project because it would severely affect our quality of life here in Mason County.

My questions:

!. Did you or the Mason County Association of Realtors support the ADAGE project?

2. Did your organization support "Citizens for a Prosperous Mason County"?

I would appreciate an official answer from your organization.

However, to be quite honest, I am really not interested in seeking your endorsement. I seek only endorsements from my constituents who already know I will fight for their quality of life, and will not give in to corporate money over the people I represent.

Thank you,

Jack Miles
Port of Shelton Commissioner

Photo by Christine


Link to Jack Miles' Re-election Campaign website:

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cartoon for the Day

Submitted to Shelton Blog by Claude Bennington
Mason County Progressive


Tuesday, September 27th, 2011
5:00 PM
Shelton Civic Center
525 West Cota Street

Shelton, WA 98584


Link to Simpson permit documents on ORCAA website:

Saturday, September 17, 2011



Submitted to Shelton Blog by Tom Davis
Mason County Progressive

In his 9/12/11 editorial submission to the Mason County Daily News, under the heading “Housing Construction in Airport Traffic Area”, Mr. Jack Krause of the WPA uses hyperbole to try and convince us that noise and encroachment issues were responsible for the closure of two general aviation airports and one “struggling for its life”. The implication is that these same issues will force the closure of Sanderson Field if the Shelton Hills Development project is allowed to go forward.

What follows, as Paul Harvey used to say, “Is the rest of the story”:

1. The first airport cited by Mr. Krause was in Blain, WA, near the Canadian border. Prior to closure, Blaine Airport was listed under “Abandoned or Little Known Airfields”, and had only a 2,539 ft. runway (half the length of Sanderson Field runway). But neither “noise aggravation” nor residential encroachment was responsible for the closure of Blaine; in 2008 the city council chose to close the airport, entirely for economic reasons.
2. The second airport closure cited was Sun Valley, or Hailey Airport, in Idaho. As with Blaine, Hailey Airport was not closed as a result of any encroachment or noise issues; rather it was replaced by a new, larger facility, Friedman Memorial Airport. The only part residential growth played in the closure of Hailey airport was to expedite construction of a new, larger airport with more amenities.
3. Finally, Paine Field Airport, described by Mr. Krause as “struggling for its life”, is located 30 miles north of downtown Seattle. The airport is home to 615 general aviation aircraft and the largest third party repair center in North America, servicing Alaska, Delta, Southwest and UPS fleets. Paine Field Airport accommodates 747s, 767s, 777s and even the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner on a regular basis. And though Paine Airfield does have some noise issues, it is definitely not “struggling” or in jeopardy of closure anytime in the foreseeable future. Moreover, to compare Paine Airfield to Sanderson Field is not so much comparing apples to oranges as it is apples to elephants.
4. Mr. Krause goes on to state that “Sanderson’s economic impact on Shelton is $12 million, annually”, or about half of the entire budget of Mason County. But according to the Port of Shelton’s own accounting figures, gross revenues generated from airport operations at Sanderson Field were reported to be only $161,789.71 in 2010. How Mr. Krause gets $12 million dollars of annual economic impact from that hard figure is a mystery only he can explain.
On a final note, presenting hyperbole as fact is a tactic used by the Port and friends to propel an ideological agenda. But spin the facts as they may, not even the Port can dance away from the damage it has inflicted on our economic recovery.

At the end of the day, the best chance Mason County has to grow and prosper may be sabotaged by the very municipality created to promote just such growth. And if history is any indication, the Port will do it all while claiming it’s for our own good.

Link to reference document: DOT report for Sanderson Field

Link to MCDN Jack Krause 9/12/11 citizen editorial
"Housing Construction in Airport Traffic Area":

Graphic by


Shelton Blog invites Jack Krause to submit a comment if he so wishes.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cartoon for the Day

Submitted to Shelton Blog by Claude Bennington Mason County Progressive

Wednesday, September 14, 2011



Submitted to Shelton Blog by Tom Davis
Mason County Progressive

Is it possible that all the hoopla being presented by the Port of Shelton regarding the rezone of 160 acres south of the airport is to delay the process while management lobbies for legislation that will essentially scuttle the entire development?

In his recent 9/4/11 editorial to the Mason County Daily News, Commissioner Hupp seems confused as to why his repeated assumptions are not being interpreted as fact. So let’s take another look at Mr. Hupp’s concerns.

Noise issues: Certified noise analysts hired by the city have proven ambient airport noise levels at the 160 acres in question fall well beneath annoyance levels.

Future noise related lawsuits filed against the Port: Here, Mr. Hupp ignores the existence of available legal mechanisms designed specifically to protect airports from noise related lawsuits brought by residents of new developments in perpetuity.

Relocate the development: Suggesting the developer abandon his request to rezone the 160 acres in question and build on adjacent land is much like asking the airport to move the runway just a couple of degrees to the north. Mr. Hupp is well aware that the layout of commercial/industrial/residential areas is critical to the success of a project of this magnitude; traffic patterns, aesthetics, topography, and a host of other components are inherently interdependent.

Port is bound by “contractual obligations” to the FAA: Mr. Hupp states that the Port is “contractually obligated to the FAA” to protect the airport, which implies the existence of a legal document containing specific language relative to the issue at hand. But the contractual obligation to which Mr. Hupp refers is more general, as stated in FAA Airport Compliance Manual, 5190.6B. Exactly what constitutes a “threat” to the airport is far too subjective and open to interpretation to serve as lynchpin of any opposition argument against the rezone.

In addition, legal action brought by the Port has already resulted in the City of Shelton being declared out of compliance by the Growth Management Board, placing the city out of contention for a much needed 20 year loan to improve infrastructure; it has also cost the taxpayers of Mason County hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees.

If the Port is successful in its lobbying efforts, not only will it have torpedoed economic growth in Mason County well into the future, but perhaps affect other counties as well.

Link to "Citizen Editorial" page at Mason County Daily News:

Monday, September 12, 2011


Submitted to Shelton Blog by Carol Fulcher Hepburn Mason County Progressive

Excerpt from:
The New 7 Deadly Sins
Thou Shalt Give a Hoot and Not Pollute
By Dan Shapley

The Vatican has reportedly trumpeted some 21st-century sins that reflect the more complicated moral landscape we all have to navigate.

No longer is it enough to avoid sloth, but now we have to go green, since polluting the environment is one of the "new" deadly sins. Exxon Mobil, it would seem, is doubly cursed since it raked in insane profits (a new no-no) all the while fueling global warming.

Genetic modification is also on the list, which should bring hellfire raining down on Monsanto and most of the Midwest, where all those corn and soy seeds are planted.

All joking aside (whew! joking ain't deadly, and neither is bad grammar), here are the deadliest sins, both old and new:

The Original Deadly 7
  1. Pride
  2. Wrath
  3. Lust
  4. Gluttony
  5. Envy
  6. Sloth
  7. Greed
21st-Century Sinning
  1. Genetic Modification
  2. Experimenting on Humans
  3. Polluting the Environment
  4. Causing Social Injustice
  5. Causing Poverty
  6. Becoming Obscenely Wealthy
  7. Taking Drugs
Link to complete article:

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Graphic: "Peace w/US flag" from

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cartoon for the Day

Submitted to Shelton Blog by Claude Bennington Mason County Progressive


Link to Jack Miles' Re-election Campaign website:



Submitted to Shelton Blog by Jake Rufer
Mason County Progressive

There’s a rumble around that Jack Miles is not a team player -- that Jack Miles has torpedoed the equanimity of Port District affairs -- that Jack Miles will get the boot by an old hand who knows how to get along with Mr. Hupp, Mr. Wallitner and Mr. Dobson. Yes, there’s a rumble that Jack Miles simply likes to create disturbances. Yes, they say that everything will be hunky dory if Jack Miles loses the election

I suspect that Jack Miles adheres to a maxim: “when confronted by those who want to blind side you, let ‘em know what you think". The American tradition demands that persons on boards, councils, commissions, and in state legislatures and in Congress, i.e. the elected and appointed, have a right and an obligation to speak out when they believe inadvisable measures are before them. In addition, our legal system is structured to be adversarial. What would we think of if our counsel proceeded on an issue as a team player -- ”let’s get cozy with the opposition". Really?

Jack Miles did not stand alone against the ADAGE cabal. He had hundreds of Mason County residents with him. Those who say that Jack Miles is the cause of the Port’s problems and that he (and he alone) is the source of the constant disruption should take a look at the contribution of Mr. Hupp, Mr. Wallitner and Mr. Dobson to any disruption that might exist.

They, also, should take a look at certain operatives who seem to be supporters of Mr. Taylor, candidate for the Port Commission. I make reference to those who purportedly obtained a copy of Jack Miles’ DD 214 for what seems to be a major slander. The skulduggery becomes clear in light of the security that both the military and National Archives places upon access to the DD 214. Copied below is from the National Archives:

Privacy and Security of Veterans and Military Personnel Records

The National Archives values the privacy of our veterans very highly and we actively protect their files stored here from disclosure to unauthorized individuals.

This is why we require veterans' authorization for third party disclosures, why we work with the Department of Defense to identify authorized users, and why we require the signature of those who purport to be the veteran or next of kin on requests for information, including DD 214s.

DD 214s are not available online. They are sent to the requester through the mail and like all other similar requests do require a written signature before the request is processed.
I have pondered how unauthorized persons could obtain a copy of a veteran’s DD 214. The only method I can imagine has fraud at the core. If this not be true, I readily stand corrected. I have witnessed similar underhanded methods of slandering good people -- all the way from poison pen letters to blackmail by disclosure of past and atoned for events. This kind of play is not good; we should condemn it.

Please, let the Port Commissioner contest rest on real issues -- let the fur fly -- and let's all rise from the gutter. (By the way, I am an ex-private first class who ended up retiring with a commission.)

Graphic: "High Road, Low Road" from